Accounts Receivables
Processing company receivables with the aim to recover credit on time, ensuring compliance with companies credit policy.
Processing company receivables with the aim to recover credit on time, ensuring compliance with companies credit policy.
Each client is unique and approached in a suitable manner using our own and international network’s best practice policy.
For debtors who are unreachable and thus prevent the repayment of their debt through an amicable negotiation and settlement process.
At OK Incure as part of B2Holding we have built strong relationships with financial institutions and other large corporate vendors.
Working with residual value pricing and a wide range of commercial off-lease/returned assets to maximise the sale price and profit.
OK Incure’s main partners are financial companies and other companies operating in Estonia who have problems with overdue payments for services and goods. We know the issues related to debts and sometimes also debtors through and through, we are flexible and fast.
OK Incure is an international network collection expert. Our main activity is credit management, purchase of receivables, extrajudicial and judicial collection of debts in the territory of the Republic of Estonia.
A truly reliable partner in international debt collection. We appreciate our great cooperation with OK Incure that we hope will continue on for many years ahead.
As a digital company we always try to solve things via online tools but when debtors move to Finland we are a bit troubled because our physical presence is not there. We wanted a company who in many ways looked at collection the same way as we do which is where OK Incure really stepped in with their professionalism and their modern vision on collection. We really appreciate their willingness to cooperate with us and hope it continues in years to come.
TF Banki koostöö OK Incurega on kestnud enam kui 10 aastat, mil meile on pakutud sissenõudmisteenust ja oleme müünud võlaportfelle.
Koostöö on väga sujuv ja OK Incure töötajad on väga hästi endale selgeks teinud kõik meie eripärad ja seega on nad meie klienditeeninduse käepikenduseks raskustesse sattunud klientide teenindamisel. OK Incure meeskonna kunst peitub suhete kvaliteedis, mida iga raskustesse sattunud kliendiga loetud minutite või siis ulatuslikemate probleemide korral pikema perioodi jooksul arendada suudetakse.
Kui koostöö alguses oli küsimusi, siis aja möödudes on saanud OK Incurest justkui meie enda majasisene võlahaldusosakond. Kommunikatsioon on kiire ja täpne. Kõik vajalikud küsimused saavad vastuse hetkega.
Hindan OK Incure puhul head ja avatud koostööd ning meie klientide head kohtlemist. OK Incure töötajad peavad meie klientidest lugu ja nad päriselt on neile tähtsad.
TF Banki jaoks on suurim väärtus kindlasti ka teenuseosutaja usaldamine, hea rahvusvaheline maine. Siinkohal vastab OK Incure kõikidele meie ootustele.